Friday, September 4, 2009

Week #2

Well....I survived week #2! It is now the following Friday, with Collins-Maxwell starting on August 24th. It has been an experience, that's for sure! I can say I thoroughly enjoy teaching thus far. It has proved to be much more challenging than I thought, but also much more rewarding. One thing I think is rewarding is the fact that the students come to me with problems and anything they might need. I work with At-Risk students as well, and while I may think they are a pain during my regular classes, when I get with them 1-on-1 they are a completely different person, willing to work with me and get their school work done. I think they just need someone to actually care about them and help them, rather than nag at them.

I can honestly say I love all the people I work with. My principal is awesome, he's so helpful with everything I'm going through whether it's behavior or just life in general. Great guy! We are kicking off magazine sales as of right now, so the other homeroom 8th grade teacher and myself are working with the 8th graders to sell the most magazines out of all of the middle school! It's been fun and interesting to say the least. For those of you who are unaware, I teach half of the seventh grade (so I teach 7B and another teacher teaches 7A) and I teach both sections of 8th grade (so 8A and 8B). There are only about 26 8th graders overall, but about 40some 7th graders! Good thing I only have about half of them!

It has been pretty uneventful for the most part for the first few weeks. I'm still just surviving, mostly going day-to-day on my lesson plans. Which is frustrating, but very free at the same time. I'm ready to get to the point where I have 2 weeks planned out in advance!
Keep checking back as I'll be updating on my teaching adventures as often as I can! :)

"Nobody cares how much you know, until they know how much you care." - my teaching philosophy<3
-Love, Miss Kauer

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